
Eucalyptus spp. (Myrtales: Myrtaceae: EucaMonitored eucalyptus trees were 4 yr old. Im lypteae) are intensively cultivated in Brazil to mature B. tabidus were collected and sent to the produce raw materials for industry and construeLaboratory of Biological Control of Insects of the tion, and products such as wood, coal, cellulose, Federal University of the Jequitinhonha and Mu and oils (Zanuncio et al. 2010). Lepidopteran curi Valleys (UFVJM). These insects were reared defoliators are found in eucalyptus plantations on eucalyptus seedlings with Tenebrio molitor L. whose importance is increasing (Soares et al. (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) pupae until the adult 2009a). Integrated Pest Management (IPM) can stage, when they could be identified at the species reduce the use of pesticides (Pires et al. 2011a; level. Souza et al. 2012) and conservation of natural The preying of B. tabidusonP. walkeri caterpu enemies is essential for IPM programs to manlars is important for the IPM of this pest in euca age lepidopteran pests in eucalyptus plantations lyptus plantations. Preliminary studies indicate (Lacerda et al. 2004). that nymphs of B. tabidus can dominate and kill Caterpillars recorded damaging eucalyptus a caterpillar of P. walkeri in 16 min, and may con in Brazil includes Automeris sp. (Walker), Easume several P. walkeri caterpillars before eclos cles imperiales (Walker) and Hylesia sp. Hubing into the adult. Caterpillars of P. walkeri have ner (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae), Eupseudosoma previously been reported to damage this plant in aberrans (Schaus) and Eupseudosoma involuta Minas Gerais State (Zanuncio et al. 1998) and (Sepp) (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae), Oxydia vesulia Rio Grande do Sul State (Bernardi et al. 2011). (Cramer), Sabulodes caberata (Guenee) and ThyThis pest is a significant defoliator of eucalyptus rinteina arnobia (Stoll) (Lepidoptera: Geometriplants, and there are no effective strategies for its dae), Euselasia eucerus (Hewitson) (erroneously control in commercial plantations. Besides, the reported as Euselasia apisaon) and Euselasia hystinging hairs of P. walkeri caterpillars can cause genius (Stoll) (Lepidoptera: Riodinidae) (Zanunhealth problems in humans (Cardoso & Haddad cio et al. 1998; Soares et al. 2009b,c). Junior 2005; De Roodt et al. 2000). Podalia walkeri (Berg) (Lepidoptera: MegaBrontocoris tabidus is a generalist predator lopygidae) was reported to be a significant defothat naturally controls defoliating insects in Eu liator in eucalyptus plantations in Minas Gerais calyptus plantations in Brazil. This species is the State, Brazil (Zanuncio et al. 1998); hence the nefirst to arrive in areas infested by defoliating cat cessity of studying natural enemies of this pest as erpillars, followed by other predator species, espe part of IPM programs. cially Podisus nigrispinus Dallas (Pentatomidae); The objective of this study was to record and to and these natural enemies build large populations elaborate the preying of Brontocoris tabidus (Siin the field (Zanuncio et al. 2011). Moreover, B. gnoret) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) on P. walkeri tabidus is easily reared in the laboratory and has caterpillars on eucalyptus plants. In Jan 2012 potential for biological control programs (Pires et fourth instar nymphs of B. tabidus were observed al. 2011b; Zanuncio et al. 2011). Thus, studies on feeding on P. walkeri caterpillars (Fig. 1A, B, C and the biology and mass rearing of B. tabidus and its D) on Eucalyptus urophylla S. T. Blake in Diamanpredation rate on P. walkeri both in the labora tina (S 18° 18' W -43° 36', mean annual rainfall tory and the field are being conducted in order to 1082 mm, mean annual temperature of 19.4 °C allow the use of this natural enemy in biological and 1250 m asi), Minas Gerais State, Brazil. control programs of P. walkeri caterpillars.

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