
Thirty-six patients underwent tracheobronchoplastic procedures for treatment of tuberculous tracheobronchial stenosis. The modes of operations were left upper sleeve lobectomy in 13 patients, sleeve resection of the left main bronchus in 12 patients (two underwent concomitant left upper lobectomy), right upper sleeve lobectomy in five patients, sleeve resection of the right intermediate bronchus in two patients, right sleeve superior segmentectomy of the lower lobe in one patient, sleeve resection of the trachea with concomitant left pneumonectomy in one patient, carinal resection with right upper sleeve lobectomy and middle lobectomy in one patient, and dilatation of the left main bronchus with a free skin graft reinforced with a steel wire in one patient. One patient died of pulmonary edema of unknown cause on the first postoperative day. Anastomotic stenosis occurred in seven patients. One of these patients underwent reoperation and six underwent endoscopic dilatation. One patient died in the hospital of massive bleeding during endoscopic dilatation 4 months after operation. Slight to moderate stenosis resulted in the remaining patients. Although there are some complications, we believe bronchoplastic operation is worthwhile for restoring pulmonary function in patients with tuberculous tracheobronchial stenosis.

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