
Background. With the development of broncho-obstructive syndrome (BOS), spasm, edema, hypercrinia and bronchial dyscrinia occur. Increasing airflow resistance can complicate the course of diseases of the respiratory system. Broncho-obstructive syndrome coexists many pathologies, including cardiovascular diseases, gastrointestinal diseases and other abnormal developments of internal organs. The causes of this syndrome are diverse, including bronchial asthma, abnormal developments of the bronchopulmonary system, gastroesophageal reflux, cystic fibrosis and congenital heart diseases. The purpose of this study was to analyze and describe clinical cases of pediatric patients with BOS.Clinical cases description. The article presents clinical cases of patients who were treated at the State Budgetary Healthcare Institution of Republic of Crimea “Republic Children’s Clinical Hospital” at different times, who developed BOS against the background of Nijmegen Breakage Syndrome and aspiration of a foreign body (feather from a pillow) into the bronchi. Both clinical cases show the importance of comprehensive, and most importantly, timely diagnostic procedure. In clinical case No. 1, the medical history of patient N. with Nijmegen Breakage Syndrome is described. The pathology was revealed owing to a comprehensive diagnostic procedure. Representatives of patient N. appealed to the State Budgetary Healthcare Institution of Republic of Crimea “Republic Children’s Clinical Hospital” in connection with the development of symptoms of bronchial obstruction. Clinical case No. 2 describes the untimely diagnosis of a radiolucent bronchial foreign body. In this situation, the ambiguity of the clinical picture and, as a result, the search for other pathologies cost the child his life.Conclusion. Broncho-obstructive syndrome is associated with a variety of pathologies that are not limited to problems with the respiratory system. It is important to be able to identify symptoms in patients that will indicate the cause of the developed BOS.

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