
AbstractTwo new species of Bromelia L. (Bromelioideae, Bromeliaceae) endemic to the Amazon are described, increasing to 16 the number of species recorded from the Brazilian part of the biome. Bromelia longipedicelata is characterized by a lax inflorescence emerging from the leaf rosette, primary bracts ovate with entire margins, floral bracts linear‐lanceolate, shorter than the pedicel, flower 5.8–8 cm long, sepals elliptic and rounded, and petals ca. 60 mm long. Bromelia stellata has a floccose leaf sheath, inflorescence embedded in the leaf rosette, floral bract linear and completely tomentose, sepal linear‐elliptic, asymmetric, lepidote to pannose, and apex acute‐attenuate. Detailed descriptions, comparisons with similar species, illustrations, and comments on their etymologies, distributions, habitats, conservation status, and morphology are provided. An identification key to the Bromelia species of the Brazilian Amazonia is also presented.

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