
Aim: Pineapple (Ananas comosus (L.) Merr.) is a good source of bromelain (B) and also contain peroxidase. The objective of this study is isoaltion of bromelain plus peroxidase (BP) from the pineapple fruit to evaluate the anticancer activity of BP from the pineapple fruit of Tripura, compared to commercial bromelain against ascitic Dalton’s lymphoma cells (DLA) in mice. Methods: By acetone precipitation BP was isolated from the pineapple. Animals bearing DLA, receive B and BP orally for 15 alternative days. Apoptotic proteins are assayed using western blot. Results: BP treated mice showed recover of hemoglobin and WBC count compared to control lymphoma animal. The animal showed significant reduction of body weight due to reduced tunor load and elevated reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, elevated levels of vitamin C and vitamin E and other antioxidants in blood after BP treatment. Histology of liver and kidney also shows restored architecture in BP treated animal compared to only B treated group. BP treatment upregulates the cytochrome C, BAD, and BAX protein and downregulates the Bcl-2 and NF-kβ occuring upon BP treatment in the DLA cells collected from lymphoma animal. This induce the apoptosis of DLA cells in lymphoma animal and reduce the tumor load. Conclusion: The present findings suggest that BP from pineapple improves the survival of the induced lymphoma animal compared to only B which may be used as therapeutic target.

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