
This article deals with the problem of Kazimierz Brodziński's various reactions to the literature falling within the concept of romanticism. It concerns his numerous critical statements as well as his poetry, above all the one that was written after his publication of the treatise O klasyczności i romantyczności tudzież o duchu poezji polskiej (1818). In this light, Brodziński as a critic – in the 1820s, falling into controversies with ideologues and enthusiasts of "new poetry" to a greater extent, a particular example of which is the work O egzaltacji i entuzjazmie, published shortly before the outbreak of the November Uprising, which does not always speak with the same voice as Brodziński the poet does. These differences were also visible relatively early due to the writer's aesthetic openness, for example, in the poem Widzenie na Górach Karpackich (1821). However, it is more important that they had increased as a result of a change in his attitude towards Polish affairs. The change, which was caused by the uprising itself as well as its tragic consequences for Poles and resulted in the creation of such works as the messianic poem Rocznica.

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