
Approaches to psychological research currently focus on convenience samples that tend to be from the global north and lack diversity. Many of these research findings are not validated with different populations, drawing largely from WEIRD (Western, Educated, Industrialised, Rich, and Democratic) populations. This limits cultural considerations and likely leads to overgeneralisation of the findings. This paper provides insight into a novel approach, created in response to the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic, which opens research participation up to an infinitely wider population pool. Exploring gender stereotypes in youth sport, the new methodology allowed participants to take part in the practical research remotely, using an online self-guide. The findings indicate that participants were able to engage with the research approach, and the template provides a means of diversifying the research without loss of integrity. Researcher reflections are included on the development and implementation of this approach with the recognition that this approach is new and that future researchers should look to take it on and progress its use further.

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