
The oscillator strengths of the first 14 quadrupole lines of Cs(6 2S 1 2 →5−11 2D 1 2 , 3 2 ) were measured in absorption using a high resolution spectrometer. In addition to this, the broadening of the 6 2S 1 2 →5 2D 5 2 and 6 2S 1 2 →5 2D 3 2 lines was investigated. Taking into account not only the impact region of the lines but also the quasi-static wings, the integrated absorption of the lines increases overproportionally to the practicle density. It was established that the electron transitions which form the quasi-static wings of the lines(molecular electron transitions) have higher transition probabilities than the corresponding impact broadened lines. A rough estimate of the molecular oscillator strengths is given.

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