
Abstract Curiosity— the intrinsic desire to know— is a concept central to the human mind and knowledge acquisition. Experimental studies on information-seeking have found that curiosity facilitates memory encoding and exhibits similar rewarding properties as extrinsic rewards/incentives, by eliciting a dopaminergic response in the reward network. However, it is not clear whether these findings hold with more naturalistic dynamic stimuli and how the joint effect of curiosity and extrinsic incentive manifests in learning and neural activation patterns. Herein, we presented participants with videos of magic tricks across two behavioural (N1 = 77, N2 = 78) and one fMRI study (N = 50) and asked them to rate subjective feelings of curiosity, while also performing a judgement task that was incentivised for the half of participants. Incidental memory for the magic trick was tested a week later. The integrated results showed that both curiosity and availability of extrinsic incentives enhanced encoding but did not interact with each other. However, curiosity influenced only high-confidence recognition memory, whereas extrinsic incentives affected memory regardless of confidence, suggesting the involvement of different encoding mechanisms. Analysis of the fMRI data using the intersubject synchronisation framework showed that, while the effects of curiosity on memory were located in the hippocampus and dopaminergic brain areas, neither the effects of curiosity nor incentives themselves were found in the often-implicated reward network. Instead, they were associated with cortical areas involved in processing uncertainly and attention. These results challenge a traditional focus on reward networks in curiosity and highlight the involvement of broader brain networks.

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