
We designed and produced optical coatings for broad bandwidth high reflection (BBHR) of femtosecond (fs) pulses for high energy petawatt (PW) lasers. These BBHR coatings consist of TiO2/SiO2 and/or HfO2/SiO2 layer pairs formed by reactive E-beam evaporation with ion-assisted deposition in Sandia’s Large Optics Coating Facility. Specifications for the HR band and center wavelength of the coatings are for 45° angle of incidence (AOI), P polarization (Ppol), with use of the coatings at different AOIs and in humid or dry/vacuum environments providing corresponding different HR center wavelengths and spectral widths. These coatings must provide high laserinduced damage threshold (LIDT) to handle the PW fluences, and also low group delay dispersion (GDD) to reflect fs pulses without distortion of their temporal profiles. We present results of LIDT and GDD measurements on these coatings. The LIDT tests are at 45° or 65° AOI, Ppol in a dry environment with 100 fs laser pulses of 800 nm line center for BBHR coatings whose HR band line centers are near 800 nm. A GDD measurement for one of the BBHR coatings whose design HR center wavelength is near 900 nm shows reasonably low and smoothly varying GDD over the HR band. Our investigations include BBHR coatings designed for 45° AOI, Ppol with HR bands centered at 800 nm in dry or vacuum environments, and featuring three options: all TiO2/SiO2 layer pairs; all HfO2/SiO2 layer pairs; and TiO2/SiO2 inner layer pairs with 5 outer HfO2/SiO2 layer pairs. LIDT tests of these coatings with 100 fs, 800 nm line center pulses in their use environment show that replacing a few outer TiO2 layers of TiO2/SiO2 BBHR coatings with HfO2 leads to ~ 80% higher LIDT with only minor loss of HR bandwidth.

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