
The brittle Columbia River fault zone forms part of the eastern margin of the Shuswap Metamorphic Complex, and for much of its 230 km length it coincides with the eastern exposure of the ductile Monashee décollement. The Eocene brittle fracturing and displacement are broadly parallel with, but cut and disrupt the middle Jurassic ductile mylonite zone. Excavations for a hydroelectric dam and a highway have facilitated a detailed analysis of fracture patterns at several localities along the fractured zone.Regionally, the brittle fault zone strikes 350° (locally 310–030°) and dips shallowly eastward. Over most of the studied part of the zone, the distributions of subsidiary fractures and displacement vectors demonstrate a normal dip-slip displacement consistent with subhorizontal east–west extension within the fractured zone, irrespective of the local trend of the zone. At Revelstoke damsite, where the zone trends 030° for 2 km, motion was towards the southeast, possibly indicating a localized clockwise rotation postdating dip-slip displacement.Fractures preserving both early dip-slip vectors and later strike-slip vectors demonstrate that minor north–south, strike-slip motion was superimposed on all parts of the zone, though no throughgoing strike-slip fault formed.In the damsite excavation, the fractured zone is largely confined to mylonites derived from footwall terrane. The Tertiary brittle offset was minor by comparison with the Jurassic ductile displacement.

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