
The Food and Drugs Act, 1938—or 1 and 2 Geo. VI. chap. 56—contains an important new provision. This provision is designed to prevent the practice of attaching to the containers of foods or drugs labels bearing misleading or exaggerated statements relating to the contents of the package whereby the purchaser is misled into believing that the food or drug he purchases has merits peculiarly its own, but which in fact it does not possess. In other words, this practice is an attempt on the part of the manufacturer or salesman to deceive the buyer as to the nature, substance and quality of the goods he buys.—It is a matter of additional satisfaction to note that the same section of the Act is also directed against the practice of causing to be inserted in newspapers or similar publications, advertisements making similar false or exaggerated claims for such inferior products. The malpractice referred to is particularly evident when certain proprietary foods and patent medicines are concerned.

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