
Abstract After a pandemic-filled 2020 had finally come to an end, many were looking forward to a new year filled with renewed hope and fresh beginnings. Unfortunately for a 23-year old Filipina, the first day of the year would turn out to be her last day on earth. While a single individual's death on New Year's day would typically not be a newsworthy event in the Philippines, this particular case sparked a media frenzy. It exposed the flaws of a death investigation system still reeling from the many unsolved cases of extrajudicial killings brought about by the war on drugs [9] . To date, the Philippines does not have an independent, science-based medico-legal death investigation system (Go, 2021; Pastor, 2021). This commentary aims to provide a case narrative to highlight the urgency of adopting a systematic death investigation system, seek justice for the victim's family, reduce the possibilities of wrongful accusations and convictions, and maximize the use of limited and costly forensic resources in the Philippines.

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