
The conflict in Darfur have had a significant impact on civilian population and resulted in the deterioration of humanitarian situation in the region. Approximately 5.5 million people were food insecure in Sudan in early 2018, e.g., only 2 percent of IDPs in Darfur and 1 percent of the refugee population could afford the food they need. Some 1.6 million displaced people are registered as living in camps in Darfur. The humanitarian consequences of violence and livelihood loss are seen in the high levels of food insecurity. In this situation, food insecure people continue to largely depend on relief provided by international humanitarian agencies who also face numerous challenges in implementing their programmes. The article explores the current humanitarian situation in Darfur, analysis the main actors, evaluates successful pilot innovative projects and argues that improved coordination, cooperation and partnership between stakeholders with different mandates can significantly increase the positive impact of humanitarian and protection interventions on vulnerable people in Darfur.


  • When talking about the future of humanitarian aid, only uncertainty seems to be certain

  • In 2015-2016, UNAMID Protection of Civilians/Humanitarian Liaison (PoC/HL) Section and OCHA established civil-military coordination structures in all five states of Darfur to discuss and agree on the procedures and challenges occurring in providing armed escorts, and to bring suggestions on improving this service including any concerns or issues related to armed escorts; identify movement restrictions imposed by both the authorities and the armed groups and develop suggestions as to how best to address such challenges; and for the purpose of information sharing

  • UNAMID agreed to provide escorts for WFP’s own as well as commercial trucks and developed three special logistical arrangements that took into account the security risk management, access restrictions, terrain and landscape of the region, and emergency nature of WFP’s food assistance: 1) “Exclusive escorts”—UNAMID dedicates its escorts only to WFP fleet/contracted truck convoys; 2) “Robust escorts”—up to 30 WFP fleet/contracted trucks are added to a regular UNAMID standing weekly convoy of 30 vehicles with increased armed protection measures; and 3) “Gap filling escorts”—WFP is given an opportunity of filling a space which UNAMID has not used for its weekly standing convoy, to be comprised of up to 30 vehicles

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When talking about the future of humanitarian aid, only uncertainty seems to be certain. There is an increase in both the complexity of conflicts and their effects, as well as an increase in the frequency and intensity of natural disasters. Armed conflicts last longer while new actors appear both on the geo-political and on the humanitarian arena. In times of increasing defence budgets, global disarmament is not prioritized and there is no prospect of a decrease of armed conflicts. Global warming has changed the patterns of natural disasters, and made them more frequent - an additional risk factor for armed conflicts. How can those working in the field of humanitarian aid deal with this complexity? How can those working in the field of humanitarian aid deal with this complexity? How can actors with different mandates work better together to overcome the old and new challenges and more efficiently and effectively serve the cause? (HCV, 2018)

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