
Light scattering studies of polybutadiene from 110 to 350°K reported herein include measurements of Brillouin shift, Brillouin linewidth, and Rayleigh depolarization ratios as functions of temperature. The hypersonic attenuation coefficient over one wavelength (α λs) is insensitive to temperature variation below Tg; above Tg, α λs increases rapidly with increasing temperature. The sound attenuation theory of Woodruff and Eihsenreich gives an adequate description of the measure α λs value below Tg; no quantitative theory describes the sound attenuation above Tg. The Krishnan effect, depolarization ratio ρn = Vh/Hn ≠ 1, was observed for polybutadiene below 250 °K. The frozen-in density fluctuation mechanism proposed by Mueller fails to explain the effect; frozen-in fluctuations of the dielectric anisotropy are a possible mechanism.

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