
Laser wakefield accelerators (LWFA) hold great potential to produce high-quality high-energy electron beams (e beams), and wiggling of these LWFA e beams either in the Conventional period magnetic field structure (undulator radiations), strong focusing laser wakefield (betatron radiation), or intense laser fields (Compton scattering) can emit high-energy x-ray photons. By experimentally generating the high-quality LWFA e beams with a good stability and repeatability, we have recently produced tunable quasi-monochromatic ultrahigh brilliance MeV γ-ray via the self-synchronized all-optical Compton scattering scheme and realized a scheme to enhance betatron radiation by manipulating transverse oscillation of electrons in a deflected wakefield with a tilted shock front. The concurrent generation of high-quality e beams and bright x-rays in a compact LWFA may provide practical applications in ultrafast pump-probe study and x-ray radiology fields.

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