
Brief Sexual Symptom Scale for women (BSSS –W). This questionnaire is designed for assessment of sexual dysfunctions in medical or psychiatric women patients and healthy women. In addition, this questionnaire is designed to the measurement of sexual symptoms before and after the intake of medicines in psychotropic substances. This self-report questionnaire can be either administered by a clinician or self-administered. The measure assesses nine user-friendly items; each item explores a particular aspect of sexuality: 1- Sexual desire 2- Sexual Interesting 3- Sexual arousal 4- vaginal lubrication 5-ability to reach orgasm 6- pain during or after intercourse 7- Sexual activity 8- Intercourse Satisfaction 9- Sexual satisfaction in general. The total possible scores range from 9 to 45, with the highest scores indicating more sexual dysfunction Data were collected from March to December 2020 among 200 Arabian psychiatric patients attending Mutmaena medical center in Riyadh city, compared to 150 control subjects. All subjects women aged from18 to 45years. Demographic characteristics for subjects are involved. (BSSS –W) was examined for sensitivity, specificity, reliability, and construct validity This questionnaire provides A high degree of internal consistency was observed for each of the nine domains and for the total scale (Cronbach's alpha values of 0.86 and higher and 0.91 and higher, respectively) in the populations studied. Correlation (at intervals of 2 and 3 weeks) r = 0.85 and r = 0.94, respectively). The BSSS –W demonstrated adequate construct validity, and all ten domains showed a high degree of sensitivity and specificity Significant (P <0.001). Tests of convergent and divergent validity, including correlations with standardized scales for depression (Beck Depression Inventory), sexual function ( (Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI), confirmed the criterion validity of the new measure. This new instrument has excellent psychometric properties and is well suited for use in clinical and research settings we have no conflicts of interest to disclose

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