
292Reviews Brief Reviews Longman Dictionary of Psychology and Psychiatry, ed. Robert M. Goldenson. A Walter D. Glänze Book. New York and London: Longman, 1984. Pp. xvi + 816. As might be expected from its title, this work is in some respects more encyclopedic than lexical in its focus, and it lacks much of the usual dictionary apparatus: pronunciations (except in a few cases where usage is divided [as in cynophobia] or not transparent from spelling [as in cyanosis]), etymologies (except where the origins of terms are illuminating [as in the entry for entropy ] or amusing [as in the entry for syphilis], sense divisions, part-of-speech labels, or systematic field and usage designations. Nonetheless, it is an innovative work in lexicography and worthy of attention outside the psychosciences. Its innovations are attributed by its editor to Walter D. Glänze, a member of the younger generation of lexicographerentrepreneurs who produce wordbooks for the commercial marketplace. Glanze's "Methodological Notes" (pp. ix-xv) are especially worthy of attention by readers of Dictionaries. As he explains, "one of the marks of a good dictionary is that it is easy to use. . . . These Methodological Notes, therefore, are addressed to the reader who loves reference works, and wants to use them to the greatest effectiveness. And while the main purpose of these Notes is to render account of the [three] editors' methods, they may contribute to throwing light on the richness of the subject." The sections of this essay on method include among other topics: alphabetical order, the entry headword, article entries, reference entries (these include cross-references to synonyms and to related terms), other cross-references, and entries with special styles (e.g., those for drugs, biographical notes, and trademarks). This explicit treatment of matters often described only in unpublished style manuals is interesting and thorough. Reviews293 The dictionary itself is carefully edited and handsomely produced. Its editor claims that it is the largest work of its kind with 21,164 headwords (including cross-references treated as headwords): "entries for 488 kinds of tests; over 300 entries for therapies; 70 entries treating Piaget's work and ideas, 100 treating Jung's; entries for 93 kinds of manias, 61 kinds of neuroses, 72 kinds of psychoses, 36 kinds of complexes; about 500 entries for phobias; 550 entries denoting syndromes and diseases; thousands of entries for individual symptoms and signs. . . ." (p. vii). From these figures alone, one is inclined to marvel at the perversity of human behavior and at the ingenuity of professionals in psychology and psychiatry. A full-scale review of this work was promised to Dictionaries by Donald B. Sands whose sudden death in July 1984 prevented him from completing it and deprived the Society of a faithful member. In his notes for his projected review, he identified the omission of rubophobe for a person who dislikes country people (see The New Yorker, 26 September 1983, p. 60), but we may absolve the editor of the omission of this nonce form on the grounds that it is not part of the professional language of the field. Some of the terms included, however, may well be of such general currency that they hardly belong in a specialized lexicon (e. g., day-careprogram,free base, andprobability)', but the wealth of specialized terminology—including the entire contents of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual ofMental Disorders of the American Psychiatric Association—makes this work a standard for the field. *** Heinemann New Zealand Dictionary, ed. H. W. Orsman. Auckland: Heinemann Educational Books (NZ) Ltd., 1979. Pp. ? + 1339. 294Reviews One mark of the emergence of national varieties of English is the production of general-purpose dictionaries that purport to incorporate the entire array of the nation's English vocabulary, whether it belongs to the common core known to all English-speakers or to the local community alone. Such a work has now appeared for New Zealand, though based on what the chief editor (Katherine Harber, in distinction to the general editor, H. W. Orsman of Victoria University of Wellington) calls "the highly successful Heinemann Australian Dictionary" of 1976. This work does not attempt the density of information found in Webster's Ninth New Collegiate or in the Longman Dictionary...

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