
The purpose of the work is a commercial and biological assessment of basic invertebrate species and other aquatic organisms in the northern regions of the Sea of Japan. Studies provide current characteristics of many commercial populations of bottom hydrobionts inhabiting depths of 24–611m.The material and methods are standard for fisheries research in Russia. Materials were collected in 29.04.-01.06.2022, in bottom trawl survey. The main objects of Decapoda research are commercial species of crabs and shrimps, as well as other species of hydrobionts.The new data revealed the following: 1) among crabs, the commercial stock increased slightly everywhere in Paralithodes camtschaticus, but it also decreased everywhere in P. platypus and Chionoecetes opilio, and in the crab Erimacrus isenbeckii, there was a significant increase only in Western Sakhalin; 2) among shrimps, the commercial stock increased everywhere in Pandalus borealis and P. hypsinotus, and in P. goniurus increased in the north of the Primorye subzone, but decreased in Western Sakhalin; 3) the biological condition and stock of other commercial invertebrates and fish of the bottom complex was satisfactory or a slight increase in their numbers was noted.The practical significance of the research is to provide fishing and biological information for annual prognostic materials on the total allowable catches of bottom commercial species of hydrobionts for the areas of the northern part of the Sea of Japan.

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