
Insulin resistance is the main feature in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Insulin resistance occurs when there is a failure or reduced activation of phosphoidilinositol-3-kinase pathway. Physical exercise (PE) can prevent and fight insulin resistance. Resistance training (RT), aerobic training (AT), and high-intensity interval training (HIIT) are different types of PE and have the ability to produce increased phosphorylation of insulin receptors favoring the increasing of the activity of insulin pathways during and after physical activity. The objective of this study was to check through a literature review the benefits of AT, RT, and HIIT over insulin resistance in T2DM. It was made a research in PubMed using the words PE, insulin resistance, diabetes, AT, RT, and HIIT. The most relevant papers with results over glycemia were selected. There was better glycemia management in moderate AT and RT, and during HIIT sessions. HIIT presented increased cardiovascular risks to T2DM individuals. Lower risks with more benefits were seen at moderate AT. All three types of PE can be performed as a tool to prevent and fight insulin resistance in T2DM. When evaluating safety and benefits to diabetics, moderate AT provides best benefits than RT and HIIT to T2DM individuals.

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