
Autistic individuals exhibit elevated rates of depression; however, assessment is complicated by clinical presentations and limited validation in this population. Recent work has demonstrated the utility of the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II) in screening for depression in ASD. The current study extends this work by examining the convergence and divergence of self- and informant-reported depression in autistic (n = 258) and non-autistic (n = 255) young adults. Participants completed the BDI-II as a self-report measure of depression; informants completed the Achenbach Adult Behavior Checklist. Analyses probed for between-group differences in rates of depression symptoms, convergence between self- and informant-reported depression, and discrepancy between self- and informant-reported depression. Results indicated significantly higher rates of depressive symptoms in the autistic group. Convergence was significant in both groups, with significantly greater agreement in the autistic group. There was differential divergence, with the autistic group reporting significantly lower scores relative to informants, and the non-autistic group reporting significantly higher scores relative to informants. Consistent with prior reports, results suggest that depression rates are elevated in autism. Additionally, while the BDI-II may be adequate for screening depressive symptoms in speaking autistic young adults, eliciting information from a close adult informant provides valuable diagnostic information, due to clinically critical concerns about underreporting in this population. Although controlled in analyses, between-group differences in gender, age, race, and informant identity, and a predominantly White and non-Latinx sample, limit the generalizability of these results.

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