
The COVID-19 outbreak has affected millions of people globally and it also has a huge psychological impact. The objective of this case report is to outline the possible effect of the COVID-19 pandemic to the content of delusions in patients with psychosis. Α 34-year-old male with no history of mental disorder, involuntarily hospitalized due to agitation and aggression towards others, experienced grandiose delusions, referential delusions and delusions of passivity. The content of all his delusions was related to the COVID-19 pandemic. His symptoms were not proven to be caused by any physical condition or substance use disorder. He was prescribed olanzapine 10mg bd and lorazepam 2,5mg td and demonstrated significant improvement with a complete subsidence of his symptoms within a week. He was discharged after a total of 13 days with an ICD-10 diagnosis of brief psychotic disorder. At his 6 months follow-up, he reported no psychiatric symptoms. Existing literature indicates a strong relationship between life experiences and the content of delusions. This case report highlights how the stressful life event of the COVID-19 outbreak affected the content of our patient's delusions.

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