
The Making of the Global Yijing in the Modern World has clearly demonstrated that the Yijing (Classic of Changes) is a book of universal wisdom that continues to guide human beings in the modern and future world. Its ideas and practices have survived to the present day and spread to different corners of the world. This book project aims to bring together established scholars, promising junior researchers and bright graduate students around the globe to examine the globalization and localization of the Yijing from cross-cultural and comparative perspectives, and focuses on how the Yijing was used to support ideologies, converted into knowledge and assimilated into global cultures in the modern world, from East Asia to Europe and the United States as well as from the Sinosphere to the British, American and French cultural and religious traditions. The Yijing was an ancient philosophical and divination text that contains timeless messages for all ages. Many people may see it merely as an ancient Chinese classic that has little to do with the digital age.

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