
The Macau Special Administrative Region has experienced a large number of changes before and after the Transfer of Sovereignty over Macau from the Portuguese Republic to the People’s Republic of China during the late 1999s. One of the most significant changes within the government environment should be the reform of civil servant appraisal system. Currently, the civil servants in Macau are using the new civil servant appraisal system framework under the Law Number 31/2004 “Regime geral de avaliação do desempenho dos trabalhadores da Administração Pública”. As the new appraisal system attracts a large number of attentions for research, a satisfied number of literature reviews are stored in the current research bank. However, the literature reviews and research studies about the former civil servant appraisal system framework under the Law Number 87/89/M “Estatuto dos Trabalhadores da Administração Pública de Macau” were mostly written in either Chinese language or Portuguese language. Only very few English written research studies concern the former civil servant appraisal system under the Law Number 87/89/M “Estatuto dos Trabalhadores da Administração Pública de Macau”. Therefore, this paper provides the opportunities for international and English readers to understand the administrative law reform within the Macau environment.

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