
The Jackiw–Teitelboim gravity with non-vanishing cosmological constant coupled to Liouville theory is considered as a non-critical string on d dimensional flat spacetime. In terms of this interpretation of the model as a consistent string theory, it is discussed as to how the presence of a cosmological constant leads one to consider additional constraints on the parameters of the theory, even though the conformal anomaly is independent of the cosmological constant. The constraints agree with the necessary conditions required to ensure that the tachyon field turns out to be a primary prelogarithmic operator within the context of the worldsheet conformal field theory. Thus, the linearized tachyon field equation allows one to impose the diagonal condition for the interaction term. We analyse the neutralization of the Liouville mode induced by the coupling to the Jackiw–Teitelboim Lagrangian. The standard free field prescription leads one to obtain explicit expressions for three-point functions for the case of vanishing cosmological constant in terms of a product of Shapiro–Virasoro integrals; this fact is a consequence of the mentioned neutralization effect.

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