
The western Iran is unique and diverse in geographical locations and ethnic groups, mainly Kurdish group. The aim of this study was to gather and to record antiparsitic remedies that still used in Kurdish tribes in western Iran. The research area included the most populated parts of the Kermanshah and Kurdistan provinces, mainly Kermanshah, Sahneh, Songhor, Dalahu, Javanrood, Sanadaj, and Kamyaran. The studies were done by Kurdish language scholars of veterinary medicine. A purposive sample of 15 participants was created from interviewing of herbalists, farm women, the old, farmers, shepherds, animal breeders, horse trainers and chiropractic men. Among them only market herbalist refused to participate in interviewing sessions more than 1 to 2 times. Twenty plants with documented antiparasitic activity are reported here. Andropogon nardus, Artemisia multellina vill, Achilla mountanica, Astragalus gossypinus Fisch; Artemisia absinthium, Cucurbita verrucosa,Cinchona officinalis, Gossypium herbaceum, Marrubium vulgar, Polygonum aviculaveofficinal, Hippophae rhamnoides, Red berries of Willow thorn (Tarou in Kurdish), Pisum sativum, Allium ampeloprassum, Satureja hortensis, Tragopogon porrifolius,Salix spp., Allium spp., Allium Moly, Rubia tinctorium are used as vermicidal remedies in Kurdistan. A functional soup made of lentil, saffron and blackseed is used by Kurdish people as an antiparasitic meal. Overall, due to the lack of interest among the younger generation as well as their tendency to migrate to cities for lucrative jobs, there is possibility of losing the wealth of knowledge of Kurdish ethnomedicine in the near future. It thus becomes necessary to acquire and preserve this traditional system of medicine.

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