
This paper explores the critical role that energy plays in running household appliances, such as hair dryers and refrigerators, and it highlights the urgent issues that result from the misuse and mishandling of energy resources. The study highlights the importance of environmental pollution and the depletion of non-renewable energy sources, while also recognizing national efforts to incorporate energy-efficient practices and products into their markets. There is a discernible divide in the general public's adoption of energy-efficient practices and goods in spite of these initiatives. With a focus on Delhi, India's working population, this study attempts to identify the major variables influencing energy-efficient behavior. A thorough investigation revealed that the adoption of energy-efficient behaviors is highly influenced by individual income levels, the cost of energy-efficient options, and knowledge of energy-efficient practices. On the other hand, it was discovered that government subsidies and social and personal norms had less of an impact on these behaviors. This study not only clarifies the various degrees to which these factors have an impact, but it also opens the door to more focused and successful approaches to encourage energy efficiency in urban populations

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