
The enterprise information landscape is now more complex than ever and includes a diverse range of internally created information resources and services such as: intranets, extranets, digital libraries, content, knowledge, and document management systems. Alongside information resources created internally, there are also those obtained from external content providers, business partners, suppliers and customers, as well as information products generated by the organisation and sold to external customers. The information environment is continually evolving in response to changes in business requirements, user needs and the affordances of technology. The increasingly complex, evolutionary nature of the enterprise information environment and the perspectives of different stakeholder groups present a number of challenges for the designers and managers of information resources and services. In this paper, the impact of these challenges for the design and management of useful and usable information resources is explored and new agendas for both research and practice identified.KeywordsDigital LibraryInformation ResourceInformation DesignElectronic LibraryInformation ProfessionalThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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