
Digital technology that complements the personal interactions between customers and frontline employees (FLEs) has the potential to enhance service delivery in full-service restaurants. However, the usage of digital technology and the interrelated change of role requirements pose additional demands on FLEs. This qualitative study is based on twenty-six semi-structured interviews with FLEs, restaurant managers, and technology providers to achieve a holistic view of the impact digital technology has on FLEs, their well-being and job performance. Data analysis software MAXQDA was utilized to analyze the transcribed interviews through open, axial, and selective coding techniques. The findings indicate that FLEs predominantly agree with restaurant managers’ and providers’ certainty that technology makes them more productive. However, unreliable or unintuitive systems as well as technology-induced role overload can evoke technostress and thus impair FLEs’ well-being and job performance. Accordingly, restaurant managers need to effectively manage technology-induced job demands to fully leverage the enhancing potential of digital technology.

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