
AbstractUnderstanding functional adaptation demands an integrative framework that captures the complex interactions between form, function, ecology, and evolutionary processes. In this review, we discuss how to integrate the following two distinct approaches to better understand functional evolution: (1) the adaptive landscape approach (ALA), aimed at finding adaptive peaks for different ecologies, and (2) the performance landscape approach (PLA), aimed at finding performance peaks for different ecologies. We focus on the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process as the evolutionary model for the ALA and on biomechanical modeling to estimate performance for the PLA. Whereas both the ALA and the PLA have each given insight into functional adaptation, separately they cannot address how much performance contributes to fitness or whether evolutionary constraints have played a role in form-function evolution. We show that merging these approaches leads to a deeper understanding of these issues. By comparing the locations of performance and adaptive peaks, we can infer how much performance contributes to fitness in species' current environments. By testing for the relevance of history on phenotypic variation, we can infer the influence of past selection and constraints on functional adaptation. We apply this merged framework in a case study of turtle shell evolution and explain how to interpret different possible outcomes. Even though such outcomes can be quite complex, they represent the multifaceted relations among function, fitness, and constraints.

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