
This chapter examines how leadership influences learning in knowledge-based organizations. The pertinent literature suggests that leadership has a major impact on the learning capabilities of a corporation and its members. Consequently, organizations are increasingly viewing leadership as a source of competitive advantage. This is particularly true of high-tech and knowledge-based organizations that act in a complex and dynamic environment. Although there is a lack of empirical evidence of how exactly leadership influences learning in organizations, this chapter takes a modest step to further reduce the existing gap by pointing out how learning in organizations demands specific leadership requirements and how these leadership requirements can be achieved. We will propose a ‘learning leadership model’ that goes beyond the traditional understanding of leadership and can be used as a starting point for a holistic approach to leadership in knowledge-based organizations.KeywordsOrganizational LeadershipCompany SizeSocial IntelligenceCharismatic LeadershipSoft SkillThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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