
ABSTRACT In our Focus article we introduced pragmatic socioeconomics, a methodological and theoretical approach that we believe may create a more solid interdisciplinary bridge between sociology and mainstream economics. This paper reacts on the critical review of our approach by six academics recognised in the field. We devoted the most space to those comments that uncovered the blank spots in our approach or areas that we had poorly addressed. We better defined the position of pragmatic socioeconomic towards ‘grand naratives’, traditional economics, economic sociology or new institutional economics. Our new program certainly has a long road ahead of it before it can prove its value. Along the way it will have to deal with both unfair accusations and justified criticisms highlighting areas where it is theoretically and methodologically unclear – just as we have tried to deal with these criticisms in this paper. Whatever its future is, we hope that this paper is opening up an important interdisciplinary discussion much needed in housing studies.

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