
Nowadays, food production has the challenging mission to encourage the growth of the rural economy assuring long term sustainability of their natural resources. The qualification of human resources and the generation of new knowledge are the main pillars that give sustainability to agribusiness. Animal protein production is one of the branches of the agribusiness sector. Swine production is recognized as an activity of high pollution potential, producing a large quantity of waste. This study aimed to identify the activities developed in partnership among academic, research and extension institutes in a midsize company of the agribusiness sector, more specifically a swine farm (São Roque Farm) in its sustainable restructuring. An exploratory and quantitative research was developed, which comprehended literature reviews, data collection and analysis of documents from the São Roque Farm. It was considered the period that includes the beginning of the sustainable restructuring of the property (2003) until December 2011. During the analysis of the Sustainable Restructuring Project, special attention was given to the readjustment of the wastewater treatment system and to the energy management and carbon credits, being innovative and pilot projects in the state of Santa Catarina. For this purpose, technologies and knowledge are being developed and applied in treatment of three routes: gaseous, liquid and solid. This pilot project allowed the development of applied studies at undergraduate, masters and PhD level and the main results achieved are the improvement of understanding and the achievement of technical and financial benefits by connecting agribusiness, academia and government research institutions.


  • Food production has the challenging mission to encourage the growth of the rural economy in order to assure the sustainability of their natural resources in the long term

  • In order to check if it is possible to develop swine production in a sustainable manner, this study focuses on the environmental management held in a piglet production unit, located in Videira, West of Santa Catarina

  • During the analysis of these points, is important to remember that the Sustainable Restructuring Project had an initial goal, which was to make the adjustments necessary in the Piglet Producer Unit (PPU) to meet the sanitary and environmental standards, as well as of the integrative company

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Food production has the challenging mission to encourage the growth of the rural economy in order to assure the sustainability of their natural resources in the long term. The qualification of human resources and the generation of new knowledge are the main pillars which provide sustainability to agribusiness (Bauer, F.C. and Vargas Jr., F.M. 2008) In this sense, the universities have made a historical contribution to the economic and industrial development, demonstrating that its relationship with the production sector is a key element to drive innovation and technological development. According to Chiamovich (1999) the place of innovation is the company, the boundary conditions that allow innovation constitute the site of the university-business dialogue In this connection, the relationship is synergistic, where the company accesses the scientific knowledge and shares the risks while on deployment, while the university takes advantage of the expansion of understanding of the generation process, transfer and application of technology for teachers/researchers and learning through practical application to their students. The scientific production directed to agribusiness aims to check the possibility to develop the sector, or else, make available by means of research and publications, a new knowledge that allows to seize better the potential of a more effective administration and/or

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