
Medjimurje horse is critically endangered breed (Ne = 14.17) and is one of three Croatian indigenous horse breeds. The aim of this research is to systematize the Medjimurje horse breeding, defining stallion and mare lines, and analyzing the prevalence of other breeds in Medjimurje breeding horses. The result of systematization is defining 7 stallion lines and 37 mare lines which are the basis for breeding in the future. By analyzing the pedigree, we established higher rate of other breeds in Medjimurje breeding horses, and the fact that the breeding hasn’t been done pure blooded, which is necessary given that it is the indigenous breed since the year 1999, after founding the breeds registry. A large proportion of other horse breeds in the Medjimurje horse registry leads to the conclusion that it is not an indigenous horse breed, but the type of cold-blooded horse, so the status of current population "authenticity" is doubtful.

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