
Purworejo is one of malaria endemic area with Annual Parasite Incidence was 0.94%. The purpose of this study was to describe Anopheles mosquito breeding place based on environmental factors in Bagelen Subdistrict, Purworejo Regency. This was an observational research. The population and samples was all malaria patients in the whole endemic area of Bagelen sub-district (70 respondents in 6 villages). Data analysis using spatial analysis and distribution frequencies. The breeding place of Anopheles mosquito was taken at ± 200 m radii from patient’s home, then measured the environmental factors. The results showed that from 70 cases of malaria, there were 29 of 39 points of Anopheles mosquito’s breeding place positive of Anopheles mosquito larvae. Types of breeding sites were water path (20.51%), crevice (30.77%), water puddle (30.77%), and cement mortar pond (17.95%). The breeding places of Anopheles mosquito were mostly found in Durensari Village (33.33%). The average temperature at the positive breeding place of Anopheles mosquito larvae was 26.74°C, the average humidity was 79.41%, the average of water pH was 7.63. As many as 60.98% of the breeding places were found in plant vegetation (bamboo trees), twigs of tree, teak trees, palm trees, and taro trees. The highest densities of larvae (8.2 larvae/detention) found in cement mortar pond with the temperature of the water was 26°C, the humidity was 82%, pH 9.2, and taro plant vegetation. It is suggested to the community to aware places that have the potential to become larvae habitats like ponds of cement mortar around the house.

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