
The collection of broad beans for a number of years in the soil and climatic conditions of the city of south of the central chernozem region of Russia on the territory of the National Research University “BelGU” have been studied. The Yu. N. Kurkina field method was used to determine the drought tolerance of bean plants. An analysis of the totality of ecological and morphological traits of forage bean varieties of different origins revealed varieties with pronounced xeromorphicity with low plant heights and narrow leaves. The varieties with high drought resistance have been identified. During the period when fruits are already forming in the lower nodes of plants, and pollination and fertilization are taking place in the flowers of the upper tiers, excess moisture negatively affects the emerging seed yield. A strong correlation was found between the productivity of the green mass and the amount of precipitation at the beginning of flowering. Seed productivity of beans is negatively reflected by high temperatures during the periods of germination and budding, and low temperatures during ripening of fruits and seeds. The productivity of green mass is more strongly influenced by temperature than precipitation

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