
The diets of the Little Eagle Hieraaetus morphnoides and Wedge-tailed Eagle Aquila audax breeding sympatrically in the Australian Capital Territory during 2011–2019 were compared by analysis of pellets and prey remains (six Little Eagle territories and 13 Wedge-tailed Eagle territories; 69 and 49 collections for a total of 232 and 256 prey items, respectively). Little Eagles took 33% mammals (29% European Rabbits Oryctolagus cuniculus), 44% birds, 6% reptiles and 17% insects by number, and 65% mammals (62% Rabbits), 27% birds, 8% reptiles and <1% insects by biomass. Wedge-tailed Eagles took 59% mammals (23% Rabbits and 19% macropods), 38% birds, 1% reptiles, <1% fish and 1% insects by number, and 89% mammals (20% Rabbits, 38% macropods), 10% birds, and <1% reptiles, fish and insects by biomass. Indices of dietary diversity (Shannon Index and Standardised Food Niche Breadth) were 2.57 vs 3.07 and 0.19 vs 0.24, respectively; Geometric Mean Prey Weights (GMPW) were 164 vs 1392 g, but discounting a biased sample of insects in many pellets from two fledglings, Little Eagle GMPW was more like 340 g. Dietary proportions and some metrics for both species appear to have changed little since the preceding decade, although Wedge-tailed Eagle dietary diversity increased slightly and dietary overlap (80%) increased greatly, concomitantly with some pairs of Wedge-tailed Eagles replacing pairs of Little Eagles. Intraguild predation occurred, including Wedge-tailed Eagle predation on Little Eagles.

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