
La Morco, G. & Thorstrom, R. 2000. Breeding biology, diet and vocalization of the Helmet Vanga Euryceros prevostii on the Masoala Peninsula, Madagascar. Ostrich 71 (3&4): 400-403.The endemic Helmet Vanga, Euryceros prevostii, was studied from October to December 1997, with incidental observations from October to December 1993-1997, on the Masoala Peninsula, northeastern Madagascar. Three types of vocalizations of this species were associated with territorial, alarm and contact calls, respectively. Nests were open cups placed in the forks of trees or at the apex of small trees. Nests were composed of interlaced grasses in the nest bawl, woven plant fibres supporting the centre of the nest and lichen/moss on the exterior portion of the nest. Average clutch size was 2.7 (n = 6 nests). During incubation, either adult was on the nest 99% of the time. The reproductive output was 1.8 young fledged per nest (n = 4 nests) with 75% nest success (3/4). Of the 106 prey items recorded, 91% were invertebrates and 9% verte-brates. Cockroaches, butterflies, moths, crickets, katydids and beetles represented the most numerous insect prey taken, representing 73% of the identified prey. [A French translation of the abstract is provided on p. 403.]

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