
The Magellanic Woodpecker (Campephilus magellanicus) is a poorly known species endemic of the Austral Temperate Forests of South America, where it is a potential keystone habitat modifier. Here, I summarize data on the social and breeding biology of this woodpecker, based on 22 active nests located from 1998–2002 in forests from northwestern Argentine Patagonia. Woodpeckers normally traveled in pairs or family parties. In late Austral winter, one to three cavities were selected for completion at each territory. Breeding occurred between mid- to late spring and early to mid-summer, and took about 65 days. Monogamous parents shared duties in nest excavation, incubation and young rearing. Egg length (±SD) measured 34.13±0.79 mm and egg breadth 23.91±0.67 mm, and incubation took roughly 20 days. Nestlings were altricial and remained at the nest for about 45 days. Clutch size was one, occasionally two eggs, and one nestling was produced at all successful nests. Young remained with their family group for up to 2 years or more, and were fed by adults, who normally bred every second year. Nest re-use, nest predation and helpers at the nest were not recorded. Holes were placed (±SD) 8.84±3.71 m high and were 32.3±5.32 cm deep. Entrances (±SD) were 8.92±0.46 cm wide and 15.59±2.54 cm high and mostly oval in shape. Peculiarities of the breeding biology and social behaviour of this species are discussed in the light of patterns common to picids, especially Campephilus spp.

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