
Holsteins and Jerseys, the 2 most prominent dairy breeds in the US, differ in many regards. They have not been evaluated for differences in oral behavior performance, despite anecdotal evidence that Jerseys perform more abnormal behaviors than Holsteins. As abnormal behaviors can indicate compromised welfare, we evaluated whether breed differences existed in in year-old heifers. Since many oral behaviors could be expressed in abnormal ways, we also sought to describe performance of a wide range of behaviors and whether these varied among individuals. We studied 42 pair-housed heifers (33 Holstein, 9 Jersey) at 12.8 ± 1.1 mo of age (mean ± SD) that were restricted to 50% of their ad-libitum TMR intake for 2 d as part of a short-term feed challenge. Using continuous video recording from 0800 to 2000 h on the 2nd d of feed restriction, we scored time spent performing tongue rolling, tongue flicking, self-grooming, allogrooming, intersucking, drinking urine, drinking water, and nonnutritive oral manipulation (NNOM) of rice hull bedding, the feed bin, or other pen fixtures. Eating TMR was recorded at 5-min intervals. We found that Jerseys spent more time tongue rolling (3.3% vs. 0.2% proportion of 12-h observations) and performing all types of NNOM than Holsteins (feed bin: 3.8% vs. 2.4%, bedding: 7.7% vs. 5.4%, other: 7.5 vs. 4.2%, total: 19.0% vs. 12.0%), and tended to spend more time tongue flicking (1.4% vs. 1.1%). Jerseys spent less time allogrooming than Holsteins (1.3% vs. 3.4%). There was no evidence of an effect of breed on self-grooming (2.0%), water drinking (1.0%), eating TMR (16.0%), or intersucking (0.06%). Urine drinking was performed by 9 total heifers and was not compared between breeds. All behaviors were highly variable across individuals, particularly tongue rolling and intersucking. Allogrooming was more variable than self-grooming, and each subcategory of NNOM was more variable than total NNOM. Outliers, or extreme performance of oral behaviors relative to the rest of our population, were present in most behaviors. Heifers who were outliers in one behavior were not consistently outliers in all. Overall, there are breed differences in many oral behaviors in a feed-restricted environment. Despite no difference in proportion of time spent eating, Jerseys often performed higher levels of potentially abnormal behaviors than Holsteins, though both breeds performed many oral behaviors, sometimes at extreme levels, that may indicate a concern.

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