
Alkali feldspar thermochronologic modeling with the 40Ar/ 39Ar method has generated marked advances in knowledge of the mechanisms for argon diffusion in feldspars. While the goal in many cases has been to extrapolate the observed and modeled argon behavior in feldspars to natural geological settings, scientific debate surrounding the true feasibility of such extrapolations and indeed, the validity of thermochronologic modeling in itself, have provided much impetus to improve laboratory techniques to test, and increase basic understanding of, argon diffusion. Two cornerstones for the debate over the feasibility of alkali feldspar thermochronology for modeling natural, geologic processes have been: 1. is volume diffusion the main mechanism for argon movement in feldspars? and 2. if volume diffusion is a viable mechanism, does argon then reside in discrete ‘domains’ within the feldspar lattice? We describe a study of alkali feldspars from a profile through a well-controlled brittle fault zone in western Norway; the feldspars document argon loss during deformation and strongly suggest the existence of argon ‘domains’ within the feldspars, at least during laboratory step heating. The progressive change in the character of argon diffusion is recognizable in the logr/r o diffusion data from the feldspars and is mimicked by physical changes observed optically in the feldspars through progressive degrees of brittle deformation. Modeling results indicate a reduction in size of the biggest domains and the appearance of smaller domains during the strongest stages of deformation. Whether or not this reveals the existence and the transformation of the domain structure in naturo is difficult to prove from our data alone, but interestingly, this behaviour corresponds directly to the physical (optical) appearance of more intense crack networks and subgrains in progressively more brecciated feldspars. Because the thermochronologic histories derived from modeling the feldspar data conform very well to the known tectonic history of the area, the feldspars appear to have successfully retained physical (optical and isotopic) records of episodic tectonic processes operating from ductile through low-temperature brittle regimes in rocks with a Caledonian history overprinted by several later (younger) geologic events. However, because the ‘cold’ brecciation is the last tectonothermal event recorded by these rocks, it is impossible to truly test for the existence of diffusion domains in naturo. Argon loss appears to have been effective only in the most highly brecciated (deformed) samples where the combination of the connected crack network, increased fluid flow and higher temperatures enhanced diffusion via fast diffusion pathways and thus, volume diffusion from the lattice. Only minor argon loss occurred in zones of lower brittle strain, although some development of cracks and brittle features is evident. Independent of the existence of diffusion domains, this study highlights the possible pitfalls when cooling histories are deduced from brecciated feldspars in which age and diffusion charateristics have been decoupled: while the geochronological memory has survived and is identical to that of nonbrecciated feldspars (suggesting no loss and minor effects of deformation), the diffusion characteristics have been completely transposed by brecciation and the appearance of new domains. Modeling feldspars with these latter characteristics would effectively utilise a new feldspar diffusion structure with an ‘old’ (relict) age memory.

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