
Background and objectives: Breastfeeding is the ideal method suited for the physiological andpsychological needs of an infant and the most vital intervention for reducing infant mortality andensuring optimal growth and development of a child. Human breast milk is considered the healthiestform of milk for children and contains essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals during the first sixmonths. The purpose of this study was to find out about breastfeeding knowledge and its relationshipwith women’s socio-demographic characteristics.Methods: A descriptive study was carried out from December 2020 through February 2021, involvinga simple random sample of 100 women who visited the Maternal and Pediatric Hospital in Soran city.Results: This study revealed that the mean age (M ± SD) was 32.15 ± 7.373 and nearly one-third ofwomen were illiterate and in the age group 26-30 years. 76% were housewives and 85% indicatedthat had a normal delivery type. A good knowledge level is shown about different aspects ofbreastfeeding such as the effect of breastfeeding on a baby’s intelligence, the definition of Colostrum,and the effect of breast milk on producing natural immunity. Concerning breastfeeding practice, themajority correctly indicated breastfeeding initiation within one hour after birth and continuity ondemand for up to 2 years. Overall knowledge about breastfeeding was good and no statisticallysignificant association was found between breastfeeding knowledge levels with socio-demographiccharacteristics of age, education level, occupation, parity, and type of delivery.Conclusions: According to study findings overall knowledge about breastfeeding was good and nostatistically significant association was found between breastfeeding knowledge levels and sociodemographic characteristics of participants

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