
This study was conducted to evaluate the construct validity, reliability, measurement invariance, and latent mean differences in the Breastfeeding Adaptation Scale-Short Form (BFAS-SF) for use with mothers at 2 weeks postpartum. This methodological study was designed to evaluate the validity, reliability, and measurement invariance of from 431 breastfeeding mothers. Confirmatory factor analysis and multi-group confirmatory factor analysis were conducted to assess the factor structure and the measurement invariance across employment status, delivery mode, parity, and previous breastfeeding experience, and the latent mean differences were then examined. The goodness of fit of the six-factor model at 2 weeks postpartum was acceptable. Multi-group confirmatory factor analysis supported strict invariance of the BFAS-SF across employment status and delivery mode. Full configural invariance, full metric invariance, and partial scalar invariance across parity and full configural invariance and full metric invariance across previous breastfeeding experience were supported, respectively. The results for latent mean differences suggested that mothers who were employed showed significantly higher scores for breastfeeding confidence. Mothers who had a vaginal delivery showed significantly higher scores for sufficient breast milk and baby's feeding capability. Multiparous mothers showed significantly higher scores for baby's feeding capability and baby's satisfaction with breastfeeding. The validity and reliability of the BFAS-SF at 2 weeks postpartum are acceptable. It can be used to compare mean scores of breastfeeding adaptation according to employment status, delivery mode, and parity.


  • What this paper adds For breastfeeding mothers at 2 weeks postpartum, the validity, reliability, and measurement invariance of the Breastfeeding Adaptation Scale-Short Form (BFAS-SF) were verified

  • 최근 10년 이내의 연구에서 산후 4주 이내에 사용 가능한 측정 도구로 축약된 모유수유 자기효능감 측정도구[8]와 모유수유 효과 성 측정도구[9]가 보고되었다. 축약된 모유수유 자기효능감 측정도 구[8]는 1개 요인, 14문항으로 구성된 것이며, 주로 모아의 수유 만 족, 수유 방법, 수유 의지에 대한 문항으로 구성되어 있다. 이 도구

  • 확인적 요인 분석을 위한 표본수를 산정하기 위해 Preacher와 Coffman [18]이 제시한 방법을 사용하였다. 즉, 확인적 요인 분석 모형을 확인하기 위해서는 영가설의 RMSEA .00과 대립가설의 RMSEA .05을 이용하는 Cronbach’s alpha .05와 검정력 .90을 만 족시키며 설정한 모형의 자유도가 296일 때, 최소 109명이 필요하 였다[2]. 그리고 두 집단 간의 측정 불변성을 검정하기 위해서는 집 단마다 모형 적합도 확인을 위한 표본수가 각각 109명 이상 필요하 므로 전체 218명 이상이 되어야 한다. 본 연구의 산후 2주의 목표 표본 수는 500명이었고, 444명이 설문지에 응답하였으며, 이 중에 서 설문 응답이 불성실한 13부를 제외하여 최종 연구 대상은 431 명이었다[2]

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Summary statement

The construct validity and reliability of the Breastfeeding Adaptation Scale-Short Form (BFAS-SF) for use at 4 weeks postpartum have been confirmed and its measurement invariance and latent mean differences have been reported. What this paper adds For breastfeeding mothers at 2 weeks postpartum, the validity, reliability, and measurement invariance of the BFAS-SF were verified. Implications for practice, education, and/or policy The BFAS-SF can be used to assess breastfeeding adaptation at 2 weeks postpartum for early identification of breastfeeding adaptation. It can be used in practice according to differences in mean scores across employment status, delivery mode, and parity

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