
Background: Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in women. Breast cancer early detection is a programthat combines early diagnosis for symptomatic patients with opportunistic breast clinical examination screening. Thisstudy was conducted to demonstrate the drawback of opportunistic screening.Methodology: A group of 200 symptomatic patients were consulted at the women’s health center at AL-Elweiya maternityteaching hospital in Baghdad between January 2021 and June 2021.Breast physical exam, imaging tests (ultrasound andmammographic examination), and fine-needle aspiration cytology analysis (FNAC) were done. All cases are categorizedaccording to ACR/BI-RADS atlas lexicon.Results:Only 18 percent of those who went to the breast clinics with the purpose of getting screened showed up. Of thosewho had clinical breast examinations, 94(35.7%) and 169(64.3%) were subjected either to mammograms, ultrasound, ormammograms.Thirty-five (94.8%) patients were under BI-RADS 1 and 2 (no malignant), while BI-RADS 4 (suspicious ofmalignancy) was noticed in 21 (18.7%) patients using mammograms and 91 (81.3%) using U/S. BI-RADS 5 was noticedin 1 (100%) using a mammogram.Conclusion: This study showed that opportunistic screening is essential in breast cancer screening.

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