
In the U.S., breast cancer is diagnosed in about 12 % of women during their lifetime and it is the second leading reason for women's death. Since early diagnosis could improve treatment outcomes and longer survival times for breast cancer patients, it is significant to develop breast cancer detection techniques. The Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) can extract features from images automatically and then perform classification. To train the CNN from scratch, however, requires a large number of labeled images, which is infeasible for some kinds of medical image data such as mammographic tumor images. A promising solution is to apply transfer learning in CNN. In this paper, we firstly tested three training methods on the MIAS database: 1) trained a CNN from scratch, 2) applied the pre-trained VGG-16 model to extract features from input mammograms and used these features to train a Neural Network (NN)-classifier, 3) updated the weights in several final layers of the pre-trained VGG-16 model by back-propagation (fine-tuning) to detect abnormal regions. We found that method 2) is ideal for study because the classification accuracy of fine-tuning model was just 0.008 higher than that of feature extraction model but time cost of feature extraction model was only about 5% of that of the fine-tuning model. Then, we used method 2) to classify regions: benign vs. normal, malignant vs. normal and abnormal vs. normal from the DDSM database with 10-fold cross validation. The average validation accuracy converged at about 0.905 for abnormal vs. normal cases, and there was no obvious overfitting. This study shows that applying transfer learning in CNN can detect breast cancer from mammograms, and training a NN-classifier by feature extraction is a faster method in transfer learning.

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