
During the Russian Academy of Sciences “MIRI na Baikale. 2008–2009” expedition, deep-water experiments on methane bubbles emerging from the lake bottom at depth of 1400 and 860 meters were carried out. Bubbles escaping the seabed were caught by a trap, which was an inverted glass. Entering in the trap, bubbles became covered by a gas hydrate envelope and then after a time period collapsed into a number of gas hydrate solid fragments. Due to positive buoyancy, fragments remained in the top part of a trap, exhibiting properties of a powder. The glass’s bottom was replaced with a 1 mm mesh grid, allowing the finest gas hydrate particles to sift through the grid, rising upwards. It is proposed that bubble collapse into fragments is related to the pressure drop in the bubble in the course of formation of the gas hydrate envelope. No visible changes in the gas hydrate powder were observed in the course of lifting it to a depth of 380 meters. Shallower than 380 meters, i.e., outside the zone of gas hydrate stability, decomposition of the gas hydrate powder into methane gas was observed.

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