
The equilibrium isotherm and the breakthrough curve for adsorption of Hg(II) on polyaminated highly porous chitosan beads (PEI-CS) were compared with those for Unicellex UR-120H which was the best commercial chelate resin for removal of Hg(II) in Japan. As the intraparticle effective diffusivity D eff in PEI-CS was about two times larger than that in UR 120H, and adsorption capacity Hg(II) on PEI-CS was also larger than that on UR-120H, adsorption of Hg(II) on PEI-CS appeared feasible technically. The intraparticle concentration profiles of Hg(II) were measured for different period of time using X-ray micro-analyzer. The value of D eff was almost constant at 4 Re ′ 7, and the mean value was 3.86 × 10−12 m2/s. The value od D eff increased in proportion to the influent concentration of Hg(II) C o,Hg . The pore diffusivity and surface diffusivity were determined using D eff based on the parallel transport model of surface and pore diffusions. The result showed that both the pore and surface diffusions of Hg(II) in PEI-CS particle were significant.

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