
With the development of Internet technology and the popularization of mobile intelligent terminals, mobile short video has developed rapidly in recent years. In particular, short video platforms represented by Tiktok and Kuaishou have penetrated into People's Daily life, while short video platforms such as Tiktok and Kuaishou have gradually become important carriers for People's Daily sharing and social communication. In the era of mobile Internet, scene, as a new entrance, is reshaping the intelligent connection between platform, users and diversified content services. The five elements of scene have become the core driving force, prompting us to enter a scene development era soon. As a major branch of Tiktok short videos, rural short videos construct scenes of rural life, display diversified features of rural scenes through immersive experience and sensory interactive experience, arouse people's memories of the countryside, win the audience's affection, and realize the spread of rural culture in the way of scene. Therefore, based on the scene theory, this paper analyzes the scene construction of Tiktok rural short videos and studies its value. By reflecting on the problems in the development of Tiktok rural short videos, it provides constructive thinking for its development and has certain significance for the future construction of rural short videos.


  • With the development of Internet technology and the popularization of mobile intelligent terminals, mobile short video has developed rapidly in recent years

  • Short video platforms represented by Tiktok and Kuaishou have penetrated into People's Daily life, while short video platforms such as Tiktok and Kuaishou have gradually become important carriers for People's Daily sharing and social communication

  • 尽管抖音乡村短视频构建的真实场景和虚拟场景迎 合了众多受众的需求,有着广阔的发展前景,同时还有更 多的创作者源源不断地加入抖音乡村短视频的内容生产 中来,但是抖音乡村短视频在发展过程中还存在着一些不 足。首先,抖音乡村短视频的创作者还是以乡村地区的民 众为主,他们可以第一手记录下乡村生活景象,但是有很 多民众的媒介素养还是不够的,创作出的内容以及构建的 场景可能存在着违法违规的风险。其次,抖音乡村短视频 构建的场景是虚拟场景和现实场景的结合,但是二者并没 有存在着明显的界限,很可能会影响用户的价值判断。最 后,抖音乡村短视频的发展能够带动乡村旅游和乡村产业 的发展,但是也容易受到资本的影响,使得视频创作单单 为了追逐利益,遭到用户反感,违背了抖音乡村短视频的 创作初衷。

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With the development of Internet technology and the popularization of mobile intelligent terminals, mobile short video has developed rapidly in recent years. Email address: To cite this article: Fang Xuelan. Breakthrough, Concern and Prospect: Research on the Communication of Tiktok Rural Short Video from the Perspective of Scene Theory.

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