
Suppose the realization of Tanzania’s government’s commitment to industrialize the country is to be achieved. In that case, the certainty of value addition to agricultural produce and the resulting extensive supply chain, encompassing meat, becomes apparent. Without the development and utilization of cold chains, progress toward industrialization in the meat industry remains unattainable. Considering the current infrastructure of cold chains in Tanzanian abattoirs, meat processing plants, and specialized retail establishments, the estimated cold storage capacity stands at 6,700 tons of meat per day, equating to 39 kg per capita annually. Despite this capacity, approximately 100,000 metric tons of meat, equivalent to 15% of Tanzania’s yearly production, are lost due to postharvest losses and waste. This substantial loss could be significantly mitigated by appropriately implementing cold chains. However, over 90% of meat consumers in Tanzania and other African countries prefer to purchase warm meat and exhibit an aversion to cold meat. This consumer preference hinders comprehensive investment and the adoption of cold chains in the meat industry to reduce meat spoilage and postharvest losses. To overcome this barrier and bolster industrialization in Tanzania’s meat industry, a three-tier approach is necessary: coordinated consumer awareness campaigns to promote the suitability of cold meat, widespread training of stakeholders in the value chain regarding proper meat handling and storage practices, and the implementation of adequate legislation to guide the gradual transformation of the supply chain towards the provision of cold meat. In conclusion, the current cold storage capacity for meat in Tanzania primarily serves export and niche markets. Efforts are required to shift local consumers’ attitudes towards cold meat, enabling comprehensive investment and utilization of the cold chain in the meat industry to mitigate postharvest meat losses.

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