
We consider a superfield model in which interactions exist between a chiral matter field, a real U(1) vector superfield and a novel auxiliary chiral field that has many features of the standard Stueckelberg field. This extra field affords the opportunity of having F‐term breaking of supersymmetry as well as providing a Stueckelberg mass to the vector field. An unconventional gauge choice leads to a model in terms of component fields that has both an attractive mass spectrum and interesting interactions. The main obstacle for having a realistic mass spectrum in the usual broken supersymmetric QED is the presence of a goldstino (massless fermion) and generation of a mass for the vector field through the Higgs mechanism. In our model fermionic degrees of freedom give rise to two (well separated) massive Dirac fields and an arbitrarily small vector mass generated by two contributions that compensate for each other: a Stueckelberg and Higgs mechanism.

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